CR&R Incorporated Riverside County Environmental Center
Waste to Energy
Contract Amount: $34,734,495
Project Completion: March 2018

CR&R Incorporated Riverside County Environmental Center
Perris, California
This full project build out is ultimately capable of processing 300,000 tons per year of organic waste-to-energy. The facility was constructed in four Phases and generates biogas from organic waste materials such as green yard waste, mixed green waste (trail mix), food waste, and FOG.
Phase 1 work provided a complete functioning plant, while the balance of the phases provided for the expansion of processed volumes of organic waste-to-energy. Phase 1 included a 45,000 SF pre-engineered Receiving Building where the green waste is ground and mixed to a suitable size for anaerobic digestion. The green waste is then transported via conveyor system to four (4) each (98’Lx23’Wx25’H) concrete anaerobic digesters that are equipped with slow moving agitators to create a homogenous blend of feedstock digesting 76,000 tons/year.
The anaerobic digesters produce methane gas (approx. 430 SCFM) which is piped to a concrete round post digester (62’ dia. x 32’ H) that has a flexible double membrane gas storage dome roof. The post digester gas is then cleaned up through a gas conditioning system to produce a natural gas pipeline quality equivalent. The product gas is then compressed and is used for natural gas trash disposal trucks and/or fuel for powering
generators to provide electrical power for the plant. The total capabilities of this project approaches 4 megawatts.
CR&R Incorporated
11292 Western Avenue
Stanton, CA 90680
Owner Contact:
Mike Silva
Design Engineer:
Eisenmann Corporation
150 East Dartmor Drive
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Engineer Contact:
Kyle Muffels
W.M. Lyles Co. PM
Sean MacGregor