Semitropic Water Storage District, Stored Water Recovery Unit Phase 2K-XYZ Intertie Project
Underground Utilities
Contract Amount: $8,520,184
Project Completion: June 2019

Semitropic Water Storage District, Stored Water Recovery Unit Phase 2K-XYZ Intertie Project
Wasco, California
W. M. Lyles Co. was the prime contractor on this progressive design-build project that connected portions of the District’s X, Y, and Z Distribution Systems in order to provide irrigation water to an additional 3500 acres of orchards and row crops. The project included the installation of 18,900LF of 30” to 36” RCP pipelines, 30,200LF of 18” to 27” PVC pipelines, 23 landowner farm turnouts and two 100cfs booster pump stations.
Semitropic Water Storage District
P. O. Box 8043
Wasco, CA 93280
Owner Contact:
Isela Medina, PE
Design Engineer:
GEI Consultants
99 South Lake Ave., Suite 300
Pasadena, CA 91101
Engineer Contact:
Joe Roberts, PE
W.M. Lyles Co. PM
Jeff Mathiowetz