City of Visalia, Water Conservation Plant Upgrades
Wastewater Treatment
Contract to Date: $103,499,235
Project Completion: July 2018

City of Visalia, Water Conservation Plant Upgrades
Visalia, California
Work on the Visalia Water Conservation Plant Upgrades project involves the upgrade of the existing trickling filter/activated sludge wastewater treatment plant, to a 22 MGD water recycling treatment plant that will produce water in conformance with California Administrative Code Title 22.
Construction includes an odor control system for the existing headworks; modification of the existing primary sedimentations basins; a new septage receiving station; a new pump station with fine screens; modifications to the existing aeration system; replacement of the existing secondary and tertiary treatment process with a new GE supplied membrane bioreactor (MBR) system, and an Ozonia supplied ultra-violet light (UV) disinfection system; improvements of the sludge digester system including modifications of the existing mixing systems within the seven existing digesters, a new 110 foot diameter digester with associated transfer pump station, a new digester gas holding system, and a new TWAS disintegration system; a new sludge dewatering system with sixteen new sludge drying beds; a recycled water pump station along with recycled water reservoirs; a renewable power generation system; installation of over ten miles of various sized pipelines; various building structures including a new Administration Building; site grading and paving; and plant wide electrical and instrumentation work.
City of Visalia
707 W. Acequia Avenue
Visalia, CA 93278
Owner Contact:
Jim Ross
Design Engineer:
100 W. Walnut Street
Pasadena, CA 91124
Engineer Contact:
Satish Kamath
W.M. Lyles Co. PM
Ken Strosnider