City of El Paso de Robles, Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project
Upgrade to the existing wastewater treatment plant from 4.9 MGD to 12.74 MGD. This was accomplished by in part by replacing aging systems, including the trickling filter treatment process with a biological nutrient removal (BNR) system. Other improvements included three new secondary clarifiers, headworks ,DAFT facilities, operations, warehouse, cogeneration, and blower buildings, vehicle canopy, RAS pump station, WAS EQ tank, scum pump station, W-3 pump station, chemical feed facilities and effluent polishing earthen channel to discharge to the Salinas River. Efficiency upgrades included a cogeneration system to use digester bio-gas to generate heat and electricity. Listed construction improvements were coordinated with plant staff, and completed on this multiple phased construction project while the existing treatment process remained in operation.