City of El Paso de Robles, Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project

Upgrade to the existing wastewater treatment plant from 4.9 MGD to 12.74 MGD. This was accomplished by in part by replacing aging systems, including the trickling filter treatment process with a biological nutrient removal (BNR) system. Other improvements included three new secondary clarifiers, headworks ,DAFT facilities, operations, warehouse, cogeneration, and blower buildings, vehicle canopy, RAS pump station, WAS EQ tank, scum pump station, W-3 pump station, chemical feed facilities and effluent polishing earthen channel to discharge to the Salinas River. Efficiency upgrades included a cogeneration system to use digester bio-gas to generate heat and electricity. Listed construction improvements were coordinated with plant staff, and completed on this multiple phased construction project while the existing treatment process remained in operation.

Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority, 14 MGD Plant Expansion Project

Construction of a 6.0 MGD expansion to an existing conventional WWTP that increases the treatment capacity up to 14.0 MGD. Construction activities include headwork’s expansion with new bar screens, washer compacter, and grit classifier, two primary clarifiers, equalization basin, bioreactor, bio filter, secondary clarifier, cloth disc tertiary filters, chlorine contact basin, recycle water pump station, masonry digester building, solar drying beds and odor control system, five electrical buildings and associated site electrical, instrumentation, piping, paving, and fencing. Upgrades to the existing plant include new centrifuges, fixed steel digester covers, odor control facilities, masonry thickener building and chemical building upgrades.

Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority, Subregional Water Reclamation Plants Project

The VVWRA Subregional Plants Project includes two individual 1 MGD scalping water reclamation plants (WRP), one located in the City of Hesperia and the other in the Town of Apple Valley. They treat a portion of the local wastewater, while all solids and the balance of the wastewater continues to the main treatment plant in Victorville. This scalping design provides needed reclaimed water to local agencies as well as reduce the impact of the wastewater flows on the existing pipeline system. The two facilities include odor control filters, storm water pump stations, reclaimed water pump stations, influent fine screens, two aeration basins, inline UV disinfection, Anaergia MBR including permeate and backwash pumping, RAS and WAS pumping station, percolation ponds, distribution piping, paving, and elaborate site fencing. In addition to the WRP sites there is also a Hesperia Lift Station site with a 40’ foot deep pump station, odor control filter, masonry electrical building and associated site piping, paving, and fencing. In all, there are 4 project site locations and 5 miles of pipeline traveling through the streets of Hesperia and the Town of Apple Valley.

LADWP, Silver Lake Reservoir Complete Storage Replacement Project

W. M. Lyles Co. has teamed with Webcor Builders and Obayashi Corporation to form Webcor, Obayashi, Lyles, (WOL) a Joint Venture CMAR for the Silverlake Complex Storage Replacement Project. WOL provides construction services and design support for LADWP to meet Federal Water Quality Regulations by con-structing two underground reservoirs and a 96’’ diameter pipeline which will re-place the operational function of the existing Silverlake and Ivanhoe reservoirs. Phase 1 of the project consists of the construction of a 55 million gallon concrete reservoir, connecting piping and a 3,000 foot long 12 foot diameter tunnel.

City of Fresno, Southeast Surface Water Treatment Facility

The SESWTF is designed to treat 80 MDG of surface (river) water from the Kings River to provide potable water to City residents. This greenfield project includes the following processes; flow control struc-ture, pre-treatment basins (flocculation/sedimentation with plate settlers), ozone disinfection structure, and filters (GAC gravity filter). The facility also includes an 8MG treated water reservoir, chemical building, treated water and backwash pump station; washwater recovery and solids lagoons and associated pump stations, electrical substation, operations building, maintenance building, all site utilities (with pipelines up to 84”), landscaping and pavement throughout the site, perimeter block wall and offsite road utilities.

West Valley Water District, Rialto Groundwater Wellhead Treatment System Project

The new 2.8 MGD Water Treatment Plant is designed to remove perchlorate from groundwater through a biological degradation process. This featured technology uses suspended bacteria to consume salt anions within a fluidized bed reactor (FBR) treatment system. After the FBR’s, the process follows the stages of a traditional plant including aeration tanks, Trident filters, a dissolved air flotation (DAF) unit and additional process equipment. Construction also included the excavation and haul off of contaminated material, two underground concrete tanks, concrete slabs-on-grade, masonry structures, a pre-engineered metal treatment building and all the associated piping, electrical, and controls.

Cal Water, Northwest Bakersfield WTP Increase Net Treatment Capacity Upgrade

The Northwest Bakersfield Water Treatment Plant has been unable to achieve design capacity due to high turbidity water reaching the membrane filters which resulted in excessive backwashing and reduced plant output. W. M. Lyles Co. with Black & Veatch as a design sub consultant was selected to provide design-build services to increase plant capacity to 8 MGD (net) and 10.4 MGD (peak) by installing a pretreatment system ahead of the membrane filters. The project included the construction of a 0.42 MG gallon concrete Pretreatment Basin with four Flocculating Mixers, and two trains of Plate Settlers with Straight Line Residuals Sludge Collecting equipment. Mechanical piping sludge draw off from the basins to sewer occurs via a hydraulic head pressure siphon. A new onsite PACL chemical system was installed that included tank storage, chemical feed and flash mixing facilities. The existing earth retention basin was reconstructed and concrete lined to handle the treatment process backwash, system overflows and site storm water runoff. All work was constructed on a very congested site with limited available space for equipment laydown and construction operations.

City of El Centro, Water Treatment Facility Improvements

Expansion of the existing 10.5 MGD water treatment facility to 21.0 MGD. Improvements included construction of two circular clarifier units, two gravity filters, waste wash-water recovery basin, raw water structure, operations building, chemical building, division berm and connection piping of two existing 25 MG earthen storage reservoirs, clearwell and backwash water recovery pump stations, and associated site improvements including site piping, grading, paving, and electrical instrumentation and controls. Full service was maintained at the existing plant while all capital improvements were completed on this complex, multiple staged construction project.

City of Bakersfield, TCP Mitigation Project

1,2,3-Trichloropropane (TCP), is an unregulated organic chemical that the State Water Resources Control Board (“SWRCB”) and its Division of Drinking Water have been studying for regulation for several years. In late 2017, the SWRCB approved a maximum containment level (MCL) for TCP of 5 parts per trillion, with compliance monitoring scheduled to commence in January 2018. This fast-track project was required for the City to meet TCP MCL compliance. The City identified 34 well sites that needed treatment with granulated activated carbon (GAC) and W. M. Lyles Co. (WML) was contracted under a progressive design-build agreement for engineering and construction services. WML provided the procurement, installation, carbon loading, and start-up and commissioning of 104 owner-furnished GAC vessels, which expeditiously brought all 34 well sites into full and complete TCP MCL compliance. Provost & Pritchard was engaged to perform engineering and construction management. Construction also included site grading and earthwork, mechanical piping, concrete foundations, backwash tanks and offsite piping.

Orange County Sanitation District, Sludge Dewatering & Odor Control at Plant No. 1

This Project constructs a new thickening and dewatering building and odor control system to replace the existing sludge handling systems for the 100MGD Plant. The construction includes 14,000cy of concrete, 32,000sf of elevated deck shoring, 570 CIDH piles, approx. 85,000lf of piping, multiple story structural steel, architectural, mechanical, fire control, plumbing, electrical and instrumentation and control systems for the new thickening and dewatering building, odor control system, two new tunnels, valve vault, and a screen wall as well as rehabilitation of exiting silos and truck load-out facilities. Over $4Million of VE ideas were accepted by the client.